Defining an Adventurer’s Spirit

Adventure. It’s something that a lot of us want more of in our lives, but it can seem a little big to wrap our heads around. So, let’s talk for a minute about what adventure means to us. It’s the exciting and unusual for sure…but I think it’s more than that. Openness is the beginning of adventure.  We must be willing to step outside of our routine lives, to push the boundaries of our comfort zones if not leave them entirely.

A spirit of adventure is one that looks for opportunities, one that occasionally takes a wrong turn, one who questions the world around us, one who looks for beauty in the world and always…yes always,finds it. You can and should plan for adventures, but they aren’t to be forced…you have to be open to things turning out differently than you planned. Sometimes the universe gets a vote and it may have different ideas than you do. Sometimes the adventure you planned ends up being totally “meh”. It doesn’t mean it was a waste of time. What did you learn about yourself or the world around you on the journey? That openness to find joy and beauty will serve you well especially on the times that you have to look for it extra hard. And then, when the “Epic Adventures of Awesomeness” happen, you’ll be extra grateful. And they will, even if it takes a little practice.

An adventurer makes the most of the situation, takes opportunities, takes risks, looks for new experiences and most of all, approaches every situation with a sense of wonder.  Adventures can be small things, moments away from the normal world around us or opportunities for connection to that world.

We’ll talk about ideas to incorporate this spirit into your life as we go, but the first thing we have to do is be open to the idea. Are we ready to allow time to pass without controlling it too tightly? Are we willing to see what happens and allow our hearts to guide us? Are we willing to get lost a little? Take a tumble? Get a little muddy? Step outside of our safety zone?

You get to define what adventure means to you. It might be climbing a mountain, or it might be just exploring the world around you (or within you) right where you are. The most important thing is the spirit with which you approach life.


You really can’t go wrong.